Portals of Presence

Deborab Kaff-Chapin


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Product ID: 2519 SKU: 9780996463430 Categories: ,

Portals of Presence: Faces drawn from the Subtle Realms

Enter a deeper relationship with yourself and the world via the language of the human face. The images in this deck were selected from Touch Drawings Deborah created in the presence of ancient trees, mountains, standing stones, temples, cathedrals, and human wisdom carriers from many lineages. Each face radiates its unique being along with a universal presence. Think of them as friends, allies, beloveds, or guests from unfamiliar realms. Gaze deeply and explore your own relationship with these beings. There are no titles or written meanings for each card. This supports you to bypass preconceptions and cultivate direct experience. The guidebook offers approaches to spark creative imagination. It includes a code to download a guided audio with original music to hold sacred space for your process. Portals of Presence Faces drawn from the Subtle Realms can be combined with SoulCards 1 & 2, each deck bringing a new dimension to the other.
